1st dayback to work - Vacay is over

Selfie at the bus stop when heading to work. The text behind says "Don't ya know who I am?" This is the first Finnish "The real housewife of..." franchise. The women behind me are Russian women in Helsinki and they show how they live the life luxury or whatever...

I was feeling pretty good, so I took few shots with them for fun and those were the only pics I took today. Except for the one of the cops giving tickets to speeders which I took from bus to warn my husband as he was coming home.

Anyway the text kind of suits today because there was a real life photographer(!) at work today to take a picture of our mindfulness class, because this Friday there will be a very small article of mindfulness classes in Helsinki. We are one of the five that are introduced in our leading newspaper's Friday attachment. So: "Don't ya know who I am?" :-D

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