Different directions

I took this shot from a small bridge over the Union Canal. It was a lovely sunny day, as you can see in the picture. A warm Summer day spent mostly indoors working. Glad I finished at five today! :)

I was feeling really tired today, which made me a bit cranky. It felt like a really long day. After work, I went to Fountainbridge to reserve a couple of tickets for a show on Saturday. At work we had some promotional flyers for free tickets to see The Lady Boys of Bangkok, so I grabbed a couple. This is how I'm going to see them for free on Satuday with a friend of mine. Should be fun!

So, this is why I was on this side of town, which is right the opposite to where I live in Edinburgh. It was great to enjoy a bit of sunshine and warmth for a change.

I'll try and go to bed early tonight, as I'm falling asleep over the computer...

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments, stars and hearts! Struggling to catch up with you but I'm trying my best. I hope you all had a good day! :)

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