Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Fairytales can come true...

They can happen to you...if you are Dave and have always wanted to have a pet goat, or pet a goat. It was a zen moment.

So we eventually crawled out of the hotel into the sunlight, grabbed some breakfast in a sleepy sunbathed Glasgow and did an impromptu 20 minute trip to IKEA as we left. At his suggestion. I should be suspicious, he usually insists on a 200 mile exclusion zone.

Then onto Blair Drummond Safari Park, where we saw baby meerkats and other wonderful, but slightly sad animals and I got totally sunburned because it was mucho scorchio. Oh but the place was heavin'. It was like the whole of Glasgow had gone on a mass trip, and all the kids were full on screaming, we are talking full on Glaswegian screaming, because it was so hot. Give me the Kingussie Wildlife park anyday over Stirling, nae carnival rides up that way, polar bears like it that way. And there's always Landmark for a fix on a water slide.

But the kids did love it. We stayed right till closing time, then it was time for the laid back drive home (thanks Dave) and a very late arrival home, which gave us no time to think about the looming family treadmill lying in wait for our year ahead.

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