Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky


It has been cool and grey today which is uncharacteristic for this time of year.  However, it made this morning's market shop much more comfortable.  The big Tuesday market in Prades can get quite hot and crowded after around 10 am in summer.  I bought more flowers to replace those that got heat shock in the recent heatwave, ras el hanout spice for P., artisan breads, peaches and various other fruit and vegetables grown by local producers who come down from the surrounding valleys.  Everything is fresh and much is organic. It beats supermarket shopping every time.  This afternoon a met a 90 year lady at the French conversation group.  She said she had not used her schoolgirl French much for 70 years but she seemed to remember it pretty well.  She is just here for a week before leaving to tour Greece and visit a variety of friends in different places.  Last year she did an independent world tour.  I hope I am as good at her age.  Now I shall follow the advice on a neighbour's towel.

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