
This is the bark track on Mt Iron. It is a bit ruff as you can see. The Boss and I come up the front and go down this way ‘Cos it is slightly easier to come up the front and you meet lots of interesting folk who are going down that way and the bark is not as slippery with shingle as the front. He says. With 4 paws drive I don’t really care.

We meet a couple of lovely Lasses from Bonny Scotland today and one of them had been a Blipper for a while so that started off a lively conversation. They had a lovely accent and I had trouble understanding a thing they said but The Boss seemed to manage OK and gave them all sorts of Hot travel tips like hold the mustard on dog biscuits. Ok Ok Ok I fibbed about that but it seemed a good joke at the time.  
I HATE lively conversations. I like lively walks and other participatory lively stuff like toss the frog, heave the ball, and get the stick but conversation gets the Tussock seal of disapproval every time so I disapproved. Verbally, asyoudo, so we moved down the hill and talked to some Germans instead who hadn’t Blipped so things went a lot faster.
Being an Irish dog I would really like to meet some of those but they seem a bit scarce on Mt Iron you kno.


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