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Tiny reporting

AND I have featured in an extra after a complaint to BPSTD  The Bureau for the Protection of Small Stuffed Dogs.
I am pleased this matter was resolved easier than the nonsense around some swimming blokes I hear about.

Ok..Well you all know where this is but what you don’t know was that The Boss driven on by his sno shooing experience and curiosity shoed up one of the more accessible peaks on the Sno Farm to see what he could see.  This.  Grrreat Eh?

Driven by the recent totally forgettable film experience featuring Capt Kirk and his Enterprise (The ice cream at half time was the best part) he shooed into places he had never gone before and we did have a grrreat day shared with Granny (acycling) and her daughter S who provided entertainment by having skiing lessons which involved much yelling and falling over. I can see why The Boss never took this up.

Check out the extras and like a Chocolate bar…Bigger is always better.


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