An Unkindness of Ravens

By Nevermore

I had them eating from my hand...

This morning there was something of a feeding frenzy on the deck – at one point there were galahs, a cockatoo, two lorikeets, two rosellas and a king parrot in shot. It was a poor shot though, through a dirty window and against the early morning sun, so you don't get to see that.

This particular male king parrot is much friendlier than the rest, so he must have had a lot of human contact at some time, I assume. This is the second time I have gone out and had him eating from my hand. I had my phone in my pocket this time though – getting it out and using it with my left hand was something of a challenge! Luckily there is a 'touch screen to take photo' option – though this is the only shot even vaguely in focus. One of the bolder females also came and ate from my hand. A kookaburra even came along to see what all the fuss was about, though they never touch the seed, liking their food a bit livelier!
Eventually the bossy galahs saw the other birds off and had the food to themselves. 

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