I don't wish to be a Drama Queen but.....

....I hit three figures today!!! There were fireworks going off in my head and fanfares a-playing. Speaking of Drama Queens, well..........

What a great day...I have totalled exactly 100 needles so far and number 99 was on a fellow blipper!! DramaQueen turned up to donate at the session this evening. I didn't realise it was her at first, as I didn't know her real name, so it was a wonderful surprise when I called her to the chair and she recognised me and gave me a hug. What a good sport she was letting me stick a needle in her, although I have to admit I was a little nervous. 

On greeting me she did say that she almost didn't recognise me with my clothes on!!! Hah! Fortunately, no-one else heard.....although Lee has been angling for information all night and teasing me. I do wonder what she let slip when he took her needle out and I was busy with another donor....hmmm! lol

I took the needle out of Mr DramaQueen and he survived the experience too. It was great to meet them, but hopefully we can arrange a less bloody meet next time over a drink ha ha ha. 

Oh yes.....if you follow the link to DramaQueen's journal you will see the pic she took of her needle....take a moment to enjoy the beauty of that positioning in her vein :))) 

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