Military oath

All Finnish conscripts are required to give the military oath or affirmation. The oath  is given in the end of the basic training. Leevi got to know his next phase in his conscription > training specialty and the service time. Leevi will head to leadership training attending the NCO course.
(After the seven-week phase I of the course, a portion of the students are sent to Reserve Pfficer School for officer training, while the remaining NCO students complete the 12-week phase II of the NCO course.)

The military oath in Parola started at 17:00. We were there early because so many people were coming to watch the occasion, also both grandparents participated. It was very warm and sunny day! There were approximately 900 rookies who gave the oath. It was very festive occasion which we all enjoyed.

Afterwards we drove Emma to Espoo, she'll participate to EHBT basketball tournament. We weren't back home until 01:30.

Formula of the oath:

I, (name), promise and affirm before the almighty and all-knowing God (in affirmation: by my honor and by my conscience) that I am a trustworthy and faithful citizen of the realm of Finland. I want to serve my country honestly and, to my best ability, seek and pursue her edification and advantage. I want everywhere and in every situation, during the peace and during the war, defend the inviolability of my fatherland, her legal system of government and the legal authority of the realm. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal authority or to subvert the system of government of the country, I want to report it to the authorities without delay. The troop to which I belong and my place in it I will not desert in any situation, but so long as I have strength in me, I will completely fulfill the task I have received. I promise to act properly and uprightly, obey my superiors, comply with the laws and decrees and keep the service secrets trusted in me. I want to be forthright and helpful to my fellow servicemen. Never will I due to kinship, friendship, envy, hatred or fear nor because of gifts or any other reason act contrary to my duty in service. If I be given a position of superiority, I want to be rightful to my subordinates, to take care of their well being, acquire information on their wishes, to be their councilor and guide and, for my own self, set them a good and encouraging example. All this I want to fulfill according to my honor and my conscience.

+22°C, sunny

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