Boxes & Pots

Apart from taking SWMBO shopping for a while, all I have done is wood turning (it is coming up to craft sales time).
I quite like using a mix of woods when making boxes - as can be seen in todays wee collection.
This one is really quite small (a couple of pairs of cufflinks or some rings, if you are  lucky) and is Yew and Ebony.
The other Yew one has a couple of leaf shaped 'indentations' so I just added some veins and an edge to them.
 I am not sure what wood the lid is made from (I have a load of bits I have been given which are of dubious origins). It looks and finishes like Mulberry but didn't have the smell.

Talking of dubious woods ......... I went to use another small branch which had small cracks in the ends (natural occurance as it dries) - not a problem though as taking an inch or two off would sort that. However, I cut the length in half and found that the cracks were much more frequent and numerous than at the ends. I have never seen that before!
But not to be beaten, I made the box lid and filled the cracks with brass power............

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