Journey Through Time

By Sue

And the West Burns...

This is what it looks like when the forest fire smoke comes to town.  It's ugly and it irritates the eyes and the throat.  It's a danger for people who have lung problems.  And this reminds us that fires are burning our beautiful western land and that lives and property have been lost.  It's been a very bad summer for the whole of the West Coast this year.  

We are going to a neighborhood gathering tonight.  I'm sure this smoke, which has blown in with the winds and will last all day, will put the kebosh with sitting out on their deck.  These are new people to our neighborhood, and they are having a house warming party.  I remember when we did that with the first house Bill and I got as a married couple. I went to the store and got them one of those cute Lucky Bamboo plants in an adorable container.  Then I went up the road to where I could see this smokey landscape so I could show you what is going on here today.  Ugly!

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