#TheLakeClinic #Cambodia

Another photo from our helping babies breathe programme.

In rural Cambodia, the neonatal mortality rate is unacceptably high. One of the main reasons that so many infants die in the first few minutes of life is that they are born outside of health centres and do not receive adequate resuscitation when they need it the most. 
Staff and volunteers at our partner organisation, The Lake Clinic, in Cambodia, are trying to change that.  The Helping Babies Breathe (HBB) programme provides neonatal resuscitation skills to rural healthcare workers and several staff are now trained up, teaching the course and delivering equipment to the villages that TLC serves. The goal over the coming year is to provide equipment and training to all of the midwives and village health volunteers involved in deliveries, especially to those providers involved in home births. 
The equipment is completely reusable and it is hoped that this project will be able to make a significant impact on neonatal mortality in the region.
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