a lifetime burning

By Sheol

There's good eating on one of those ...

Tiny Tuesday: The Spider and the Bee

Let me start off immediately by apologising to all those of you that hate spiders, you may want to go and look at the extra instead, a much more acceptable butterfly shot!

Its interesting how, with the Summer rapidly turning to Autumn, the spiders are much more in evidence, and they are getting much bigger.  Witness this one who seems to have caught a bee and is busy wrapping it for consumption later.  Nature in all its savage beauty.  

I've been a bit remiss with my commenting of late.  Its not lack of interest or inclination but lack of time.  I've got an early start in the morning, so I will try to fit in as much as I can in the time available this evening.  

This week, for the last time Tiny Tuesday is hosted by Osuzanna, who had kindly run the competition for the month of August.  You can see the other entries here.

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