Tiny Tuesday : : Mushroom

OilMan has a stack of books as tall as my arm is long identifying everything from birds, trees and flowers to, er, scat. Now I have excellent eyesight, but I could not for the life of me see whether a bird sitting on a branch fifty feet away has a white ring around its eye or a chestnut rump patch. By the time I manage to find and focus my camera on a bird that far away, it has inevitably flown away. I do love to look at birds of all kinds, but I'm not particularly worried about what they are called.

Plants, particularly plants with flowers on them usually come from the nursery with a little stake in them that says the name of the plant. I find it much easier to retain this sort of association, so I am familiar with a lot of garden plants, but I'd still rather just look at them and not be driven crazy by the fact that I don't know what they are called. 

We were once on a backpacking trip to the High Sierra with a number of other people. We all toiled up a pass only to reach the top sans OilMan. We waited and waited and when he finally appeared over the horizon , could not understand why we were all so annoyed. 
OM "I was just identifying those wildflower…."
US "What wildflowers?"
OM "Those little flowers in the rocks next to the trail."

The little wildflowers to which he referred were so tiny that none of the rest of us had even noticed them as we trod on them whilst toiling up the trail.with our heavy packs

I found this mushroom in the garden today. Who would ever have expected to find a mushroom in our hot, drought stricken garden in August? But there it was, just asking to be eaten by Blake, so I picked it and brought it inside. I am amazed by the delicacy of its fluted gills and curly border. ..just like a little girl's tutu.

I have no idea what kind of mushroom it is….

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