Offcumden Cal

By Cal

Good deed

My good dead for the day was to rescue this fella from the clutches of a tiny spider who had him well and truly caught with its strong sticky web. It was quite a tussle to get him free. No wonder scientists hunt for a man-made equivalent of the wonder web.
In other news, we saw the Olympic torch go through my parents' town. Frankly, a bit underwhelming. One hour wait, seven seconds of 'action'! The police were good value tho, waving in a royal fashion to the crowds from their motorbikes and touching hands in mock 'celebrity' fashion. First time I have seen a copper control crowd with a glittery pom pom.
The drive home this evening was beautiful, soft evening light. Verges full of poppies and Shasta daisies and fields fluffy with tall wheat.

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