I Am Not Lost

By onanimpulse


here's a really great picture of me, you're welcome world

spent all morning trying to figure out what the heck i was going to do for classes at """cafe babalu.""" ps they have a picture of long island on the wall. it's truly inescapable. anyway, two lattes, a grilled cheese, and tomato soup later, aka at 2:50 i finalized my courses, took a step back to look at it, and realized that my first class started at 3. cue me biking like a madman all the way across town. cue my bike chain deciding to pop off... cue me getting lost as heck.

so that was a bit stressful. i got to the class about 20 minutes late. but i stopped home for some dinner before heading to the exchange student reception at the main campus of the university. got there late, but had a really good time nonetheless. there was supposed to be a trivia night in the student cellar (bar on campus) afterwards, but it was canceled, so everyone sort of just mingled. yay for people from other countries. but mostly just germans.

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