night light

Little un is cosy and fast asleep after a really nice day...
In complete contrast to yesterday we've had a great time today... we woke up at 6.30  a sensible time... I made a special effort to be bright eyed and cheery from the start, which helped to set the tone of the day... 
We got dressed and out in time for Jo Jingles... not quite sure what to make of that... Little un was a bit overwhelmed to begin with and wouldn't  sit with me but stood about a metre away, with her back to the perky lady conducting the class, staring at me intensely with an expression that said 'what kind of a mad hell have you brought me to??'   However she thawed out a bit, and by the end was still not joining in exactly, but seemed to be at ease charging around the village hall... I think we'll give it another couple of tries and see if things warm up... However from my point of view I got to see one of my friends and her son, which was really nice... 

We then played at home for a bit and had lunch... pleased to report that tiddler has been stuffing her face today :-) 

Then afternoon nap... I put her in the cot and she slept for nearly two hours.. I managed a cup of tea, 30 mins of reading a book and a 40 minute sleep... (sod the washing up) 

Then off to the play park to burn off energy... it was just starting to rain as we headed out, (is it wrong to try and take your child for a walk in the rain, in the hope that it will be a sneaky way of getting her hair washed?)  unfortunately little un decided that we should go home because of the rain... (plot was rumbled)  so we settled for a visit to Granny Annies  or    (Ai-yee) as little un likes to call her...  a bit of a melt down on the way home, the only one of the day... as neither of the options of holding mummy's hand by the road or being carried were to little un's liking, so I ended up hauling her home like a sack of spuds in time to meet Dave  back from work, he was delighted to see a wiggling screaming baby... but smiles were soon restored and she's now peacefully in bed...

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