Return to the North

By Viking

Proud Principal

What an AWESOME day today has been after an ominous start! 6.05 this morning I got a phone call from my AP to say she was suffering from flu and wouldn't be coming into work. Being the trooper she was though she said she would head into Invers and meet us down at the stadium because...... nearly 60 of our students were performing for the FIRST TIME EVER at Politest.
Polyfest is a Maori and Pasifika festival held down at Stadium Southland. Schools and cultural groups can perform during the five day festival. Last year we took a group of senior students to go watch. They had been taking part in a Kapa Haka group all year at school but bottled out of performing (teenage hormones and all that) At the start of 2015 we decided to push Kapa Haka down into the junior school. Young children are fearless when it comes to trying new things and performance.

What a great decision it turned out to be. Our Kapa Haka leader said we should enter the festival. Today was the culmination of three terms hard work and lots of recent practice! The kids were brilliant, absolutely brilliant. I am so proud of them, really made me weep. We had lots of parent support there too which was fantastic.

Being a principal I can't put up a photo pf the kids so instead...

On the way home the storm clouds looked like they were brewing so took a shot of the stormy skies and sea.

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