Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

The Big Clear Out Continues...

As part of the Big Clear Out of 2012 (there never has been one before, except when moving house, and even then, everything was packed up and moved, nothing thrown out) I have collected up various old cameras, taken photos of them and shown them to my camera shop man. He will give me some pennies for them. But I don't want money - I want credit off some item in the future that I will undoubtedly buy. The camera shop man was in agreement.

From there I walked all the way down Morningside Road and round to the duck pond to check on the cygnets. I would never have done this before blip and before my new camera! But the day was sunny and blue skied, with fluffy white clouds. I gave a cheery "Lovely day!" to all I met. Sometimes I even got a reply.

I came round by the Bowling Club and there were people playing this time. I had a chat to one of the ladies about joining. I quite fancy bowling. But I can't really do anything now, as I'm off on my jaunt soon. When I come back I will definitely look into it. It looks like a good game - you don't need to bend down too much. And anyway, that grass looks lovely and soft, should one topple over mid swing.

The duck pond looked very full. In fact, the path round the pond looked very full. Four cygnets looking quite big now. Someone was feeding them, so I could get quite close.

I'm now tied to the phone. Not literally, of course. But I've been ringing JL to find out when they can deliver, but not install, the new oven. They can possibly do it this week, it seems. I've also been ringing electricians and I have one lined up to come, but he's not sure about getting the old oven down the stairs. He says he'll bring a wheelbarrow. He might get some help. I got in quick and said that I couldn't help him! Anyway, looks like nobody will see the mess under the oven or indeed the mess inside the old oven. Result!

Off to visit my Big Bro and sis-in-law this afternoon. She's retiring in another week or two, so she's very happy and getting happier by the day.

Bonus: As I came home, the stars were in alignment- the sun was out, my hat was off, the hooligans schoolchildren were confined to barracks still in school = a Magnum Classic! :-)

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