I Am Not Lost

By onanimpulse


sort of just dicked around all day

went to one of the geothermal pools with matilda which was soooo great. aside from the whole like, really strict "get naked in front of everyone and shower off your lady bits before swimming or risk getting the stink eye" thing. which was a little weird, but definitely a reasonable rule (honestly, i don't want to swim in other people's dried sweat!! the icelanders know what they're doing.) anyway, i definitely got the stink eye because i don't think i showered for long enough. most people were really going at it.

anyway anyway anyway, there was an indoor pool and two outdoor "hot pots," one at 102F and the other at 108F. very nice. felt like jello when i got out.

and then i biked home with wet hair, got in the house, and promptly began my descent into illness. hello sinus infection number three since january.

so the evening consisted of me rolling around in bed, moaning, and saying "i'm sooo sick," to nobody in particular. watched howl's moving castle, peeped a bit of the northern lights. it was just a faint streak across the sky because of the full moon/streetlights/etc and not very dramatic or exciting but still very cool. apparently it is very early for them to show up.

this is some graffiti on the side of the hill that i went to sit on to watch the aurora. 

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