Slowly Drifting By….

Slowly Drifting By….
Today was a slow day, perhaps the result of last night’s dinner party.  Quite a few things got done but the day just drifted along. JanHar caught the atmosphere of the day well (as well as me!) in her blip.
A late brunch was eaten sitting outside as cumulus clouds drifted by. The periods of sun and shade they produced were perfect. Just as I started to feel too warm a cloud removed the sun and after a while as I began to feel  a little too cool the sun came out again.
The slowness of the day allowed me to spend long periods reading “The Thirteenth Tale”, by Diane Setterfield. Or did reading the book a little obsessively allow the day to drift by?
I took this picture from our brunch spot in the garden. The dead pines behind our house and the dark clouds with a silver lining.

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