jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Enjoying the sunshine

Up late. Have worn my children out this week. And me! Ben stirred as I sat up to change Charley's nappy, told me he didn't want me to leave this planet, and to lie down and go back to sleep. Then he asked where Grandad was and went off to find him. Showered with Charley before breakfast. He was not keen. I held him for most of it. Right at the end he decided it wasn't so bad after all and tried to dismantle the plug.

Tried to do an online supermarket shop after breakfast. Did really well! Got confused as to what day it was and got really excited thinking I'd managed to do an order to arrive this evening, then realised it was Monday today not Tuesday. So it was arriving tomorrow instead. Ah well.

Then off to Styal Park for lunch, and a last meet up with the Aussies. Playtime in the playpark, Ben found a steel pan to drum on much to the delight of passers by (youtube clip to follow once I'm home!). Those of you who've followed us a while will know Ben's actually pretty good at drumming. should find you a few great clips of him drumming. Lunch in the cafe. Big stress and more meltdowns from Ben over chocolate cake and the wrong icecream.

Honestly, I'll be glad to get home tomorrow! As great as this week has been, I think we're all exhausted - we're going to be hermits for a few days once we're home! Looking forward to chilling out on the swingseat down the garden, hope it's fine weather.

Home, painted Ben's face to be a blue/green tiger, enjoyed the garden, dinner.



Early night? Or do I let the boys stay up late in the hope that they conk out in the car tomorrow? Actually it's almost a given that Ben'll sleep for a bit, it's Charley that I REALLY need to fall asleep, preferably without crying himself out...

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