
Wish I could have just stood and let the wind blow through me today for longer than I did to snatch a few shots of the waves this afternoon. To stand and feel like the wind is taking your breath away / breathing life into you, and supporting you / trying to knock you down in equal measure... and to watch the waves crashing....

But it was too windy for Ben. He came running back to the buggy clinging on for dear life after just a few steps once we decided to head to a cafe, scared he was going to get blown away! He pulled his hood over his head, tucked himself down into his oversized raincoat, and pulled the buggy hood down low enough to be able to see out of while still feeling the wind blow. He nearly fell asleep on the bus home, but was awake enough to be fed up that we were thinking of going home rather than to the playpark. He and Steve had a good play, Ben ran off some energy, Steve did some rugby training with him (I wish I'd got a video of that but you'll have to imagine instead - using the zipwire thing, Ben pushing the seat along (he didn't want to get on it), Steve saying come on, push! Push harder, go faster!).

I think Ben's had a good day, although I've not been around for very much of it. In bed for a lot of it, apart from our little sojourn into town this afternoon (by bus!). I didn't stay long at the park either but headed home to collapse. I've been assured by other mums and pregnant ones that it is normal to be this exhausted during pregnancy... kind of a relief to know I'm not just freakishly tired, but still frustrating. This is when it would be useful to still live in family communities where parents and relatives all live on the same street or at least same village, not 250 odd miles away or scattered all over the world.

So. Sorry there's no picture of Ben today. But I do love the wind and the waves.

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