Fell colours

While the rest of you down South have suffered a wet bank holiday,  those of us fortunate enough to be up here in Cumbria have had a lovely day.

It was a perfect walking day so we went up to Mungrisdale and walked the Bowscale horseshoe which added 3 more Wainwrights (Bowscale Fell,  Bannerdale Crags and Souther Fell) to our tally.  We have now done 81 and hopefully that number will be a bit higher by the end of the week.

The colours were lovely and this totally untouched shot shows how pretty the fells are looking.  I did use a polariser but the contrast of the blue sky,  magenta heather and green grass was stunning.  

This shot was the third of a set which was intended to be a stitched panorama but I liked this one on its own.  It was taken just before the summit of Bowscale Fell and is looking North towards Scotland that can be seen in the distance.

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