
By Bectoria

Yay!!!!! I'm sooooooo relieved!!!

We are all very excited in the McKenzie household!!!
The boy has only gone and eaten something!!!! Lots of my day after day of heart breaking food denials he has finally done it!!!

I bought the baby led weaning book on Monday (something I have never done as always been very relaxed) but needed a bit of guidelines. Yep I haven't read it yet!
I have been boiling up food so he an okay with it on his tray and put to his mouth but nothing really going in?!
Tonight I decided to get another jar out as its been a week since I last did the jar and he shook his head. I then fed it to him from my finger and he swallowed it!!! I kept going for a few and then decided to chance the spoon! He did it, in fact he wanted to help me so I let him and together we ate half a jar of apple and banana crumble!

Ion Rosie is at my nieces finding out her singing pieces at the fundraiser that is being organised my her and a friend on 1st dec in sawston. A fantastic cause and can't wait to hear what she is performing when I get her later :)

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