Last day of summer!

I feel so sad, tomorrow is the first day of autumn.....and then the awful 3 months of winter! I can only hope we have some frost and snow this winter, at least that is good to photograph, 
Talking of autumn it has been more like the beginning of October today than the last day of August, cold, wet and thoroughly miserable! 
I ventured out late afternoon to take a few shots and hopefully get a blip, luckily for me this female Speckled bush cricket Leptophyes punctatissima, was wandering around on the field maple leaves beside the road where I stopped to pick a few blackberries (which were very nice). I have left it pale and washed out deliberately, as it defines the day quite well.
I have to confess I was a little sad my lovely 900th photograph of the very courageous Willow only got 3 comments yesterday, I don't think I would have minded for me but I felt she was worth so much more....I do wonder if it is worth carrying on...but , on the other hand I know it is my own fault, and you only get out what you put in, I think I will endeavor to make more comments in future!

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