Life from a City

By LeggeAngie

The Ever Changing City

I'm now leaving for work in 'early dawn', that grey, early light before the sun is seen. The change seems to have happened sneakily, over the bank holiday weekend. 

This part of the city I drive through in the morning changes so often. As I had to stop at the lights, I thought I'd whip out the camera. It is an area for migrants, always filled with the next group to move in. At the moment, the population has increasing numbers of Eastern Europeans. The shops gradually change before your eyes to reflect this. The solicitors on the corner is relatively new. Last year it was a Boxing shop, specialising in equipment for Thai boxing etc... The grill/cafe has been there for a good 5 years now, and seems popular. The road being closed was new - no idea why, but that would have created a few problems to those later than me, as its a key route to the local hospital.

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