Just the Withers......

By JaneW

The big hoot !!!

Charity trail in Birmingham City ... What a great trail ... We managed to see 51 owls out of 70 ... There were 12 of us trailing about the city yelling 'go go' or STOP STOP ... Or 'GREEN MAN GREEN MAN' (for those of you unfamiliar with the green man,it means you are safe to cross the hellish busy roads full of really nasty impatient tossers)
Lunch was eaten sat outside in Victoria Square ... We did for a while have to endure a very young couple sat by us doing what I can only describe as 'eating each other's stomach lining through the medium of a repulsive looking kiss type thing '
I did sign language to Tits McGee to go take photos so I could do 'bunny ears ' behind the male creatures head.
What a great day.

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