
By Angelique


I decided to blip one of my Agapanthus as they are now beginning to fade, a sure sign that Autumn is fast approaching.

Redflash & Mr F left us this morning and the house has been very quiet.  Phoebe has sulked for most of the day, also missing their company, but it is the same for all of us, always sad when the time to go comes upon us.

We have to learn to make the most of each day!!

For those of you who follow my journal, you may remember I took part in the Flower Festival held in the church and was pleased to hear £3,733 was raised for the roof replacement.  Quite remarkable when you consider there are only about 700 people living here!!

I hope that Tuesday and a possible return to work for some of you hasn't been too painful.  I plunged myself into painting the remaining fence and cutting back the next garden border.

Now suitably tired I bid you all a good nights sleep and a happy day tomorrow, free from trauma and heartache.  There is certainly too much of that in the world. xxxx

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