A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer


More of J's carving - this time in A's garden.

E and I are in Oxford covering to care for A while the 'care' system gets its act together.  We've been well 'mushroomed' over the last few days. (Kept in the dark and ...).  The prognosis has lurched daily between "you need [weeks of] specialist care" to "you're going home on Thursday".  We had thought the complaints about the NHS were scaremongering by opposition politicians - but apparently not.

I returned home alone as it was clear E had to stay overnight and try and get things sorted in the morning.  Having spent the best part of four hours driving I went out for a run after I got back - the first for some time and no doubt my legs will point that out in the morning.

I was treated to an excellent Father's Day meal of veggie crumble and roast potatoes, and a lemon pudding, cooked by S & J. Then we settled down to one of the unwatched Christmas films - Independence Day - not exactly the deepest of films but suited the occasion

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