
Oh dear - I tackled one of the upstairs rooms today. Wanted to clear the back room, which despite it's dingy name looks out onto the lush green fields of Devon,  for AH14 when she comes to stay next week, but to do this I had to make space in the front room upstairs. I sorted 2 boxes, moved my piles of ironing, again. I never tackle them, just give them a change of view now and again and wonder at the clothes I could have been wearing and had forgotten I had! 
After this I felt totally overwhelmed - what to do with all this stuff! Boot sale, ebay,  charity shops, make loaning boxes for schools, give away to friends, teacher friends, AH14!!! In a state of indecision and agitation I grabbed the hoover and disappeared downstairs with it and sucked dust and dirt away instead!
Afternoon spent doing 2 shows as part of the Drawn to the valley Open Studios with Friend. Oh dear bought a necklace and earrings! Luckily the rugs by Fellow Retiree were way beyond my price range and Fat Cat would only scratch at them, or worse! She has had the runs the last few days. Still happy, still hungry, but oh leaving very, very smelly piles in the litter tray, once by the front door! 
Even though there was a real chill to the day I had to have an ice cream - Blackcurrant today - so dark purple, so like blackcurrants! Which were picked in Cornwall!
On getting home I had some good news, the terse email I had sent to the American who had bought my domain name, but failed to pay the second part of the agreed price, had worked! He paid up! Result! I also had some bad news, one of the earrings I had bought was no longer in my ear! I literally threw Milly and Tilly back in the coop and raced out the house in the hope of catching the 3 places I had visited still open. I needn't have fretted - good news again! It was on the road by my car! 
Oh dear - Fat cat just exploded in the hallway - maybe it is going to be the vets tomorrow - I can't have a squitting cat with a visitor!!

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