Change of plan!

We are nothing if not flexible when on holiday!!

If you want to bypass this ramble and find out what this is, just look at the bit in italics at the foot of the page.
How two plans were abandoned
How one shopping trip failed and we ended up in a shopping mall anyway!
Plan A
We would go to Carpentras and see if the Friday Market is as huge as it is supposed to be. It was . . . as huge! However, early as we thought we had arrived, this was not as early as the French. By the time we got there, every car in France was already parked. After two circuits of the town, we decided to give in and get out.
Plan A – abandoned.
We drove out, found a nice little town, bought provisions for a picnic and found lots of parking space. And we came across 66 Gallo-Roman sarcophagi (yes I had difficulty spelling it and no I haven’t a clue about them either)
Plan B
We would navigate our way to Vaison-de-Romaine and then follow a scenic route around the Dentelles de Montmirail (as detailed in the Green Guide). Arrived in Vaison and were so entranced with the place that we decided to stay.
Plan B - abandoned.
Plan C
We would spend the afternoon in Vaison. And we did. We found the Pont Romain and wandered the streets a little. Then we discovered the Roman Ruins. These are spread out over a huge area and it was just brilliant walking them and imagining what it was like at that time. Hours went by and we were still there.
Finally we arrived at this shopping mall – well it was such in Roman times anyway! There was a paved main street, but the columns show where there was a parallel covered way for pedestrians  and the shops were to the right, lining it. (Ignore the houses in the background, they came later obviously.)
 Just as an addition for those who are still with me – we went last night to a concert in Apt Cathedral. It was a varied programme by the Chambre Philarmonique de Cologne, but the soloist in the Mozart Clarinet Concerto stole our hearts. What a splendid evening! And Gordon drove us back in the dark to the top of the village!


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