A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Down by the riverside

Yesterday's mayhem saw me in bed early and in a deep sleep in no time at all. Did the trick as I woke early and refreshed this morning. A combination of this and the lovely sunshine spurred me to go for an early bike ride along the river. The streets were pretty quiet getting there and it was a great time to be out. Did the bike ride that I usually do with J on a Sunday morning but weather and events have conspired to mean that we haven't been for ages. So it was a bit of a shock to my legs. I also felt I should go a little faster than I do with J and didn't stop for our usual refuelling so came home feeling good for going out but also conscious of how unfit I am at the moment. Might need to come up with a plan that isn't reliant on early nights and sunny mornings! Anyway, this is taken from the point that we do normally stop as I had to dismount to carry the bike over some steps.

Lesley x

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