
We made it to another Fathers Day Dad....we Love You.

We had planned a lovely lunch here at our place to celebrate Fathers Day.....Jaiya's Birthday and Ma and Pa's Wedding Anniversary.......Unfortunately (or fortunately) Dad didn't feel well enough to make the trip and just needed to sleep......I was kind of glad in a way because when I spoke to him on the phone this morning he was as cranky as an old bear with a sore foot...tooth and head.
Needless to say I had to post a pic that I took last night ...and.... I finally got that old bugger to smile...albeit a false one.
What to say? I guess I am one lucky girl to still have my Dad even if he is a grump.

“What day is it,?” asked Pooh. 
“It’s today,” squeaked Piglet.
“My favorite day,” said Pooh.” 
A.A. Milne

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