
By cowgirl

I have known Sivan since 1989 when I first arrived to the kibbutz and worked with her mum in the dairy. I was 'adopted' into the family and have had the pleasure of watching the 3 kids ( she has an older sister and younger brother ) grow into smart, lovely young adults. Neelie, the eldest works in finance/economics/something way over my head, Sivan is studying to be a doctor and Alon is still doing his army service.

Guy is a ' self employed starving artist ' in his own words! He has a couple of cartoons that appear weekly in online newspapers and designed the invitations, including their much loved dog, Chuck. The smudge on Chuck's wing on the rhs is my doing as I was removing the RSPV address, on the actual invite it's perfect. He also makes little animations - my favourite so far is the story of how he met Sivan. I'd link to it, but can't find it now!

Anyway, 23 more sleeps and we'll be there!

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