Like Mother, Like Daughter

It was mum's last day with us today and it was sunny and warm so we caught the bus to the marina. We had lunch sat outside Cafe Rouge and then had a stroll along the boardwalk looking the boats. It was a lovely afternoon.

In other news, as you know, later this month I'm due to start chemotherapy, and because of one specific drug that I have to have, they've told me that unfortunately I'll lose my hair. Unbeknown to me and Alan, my lovely friend Alison went through my Facebook list and sent out a message trying to raise funds to help buy my wig.

She has now shown me all the wonderful messages of support, together with the 'Just Giving' page she set up. I'm overwhelmed by the donations made, including lots of you lovely Blippers!

After my first session of chemo, I'm going to shave my hair off so that I can donate it to the Little Princess Trust which makes wigs for children, and once my treatment is finished and my hair has grown back, I will also donate the wig. The money that has been kindly donated will be used to purchase my wig, scarves and any other products needed throughout my treatment. Any surplus will then be passed on to Macmillan Cancer Support and Breast Cancer Care.

I'm really feeling lots of love!

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