
By Leiflife

In Search of Contrast

This morning, before I knew that today's Mono Monday theme was contrast, I took a one-handed shot of a great blue heron in the marsh below my house. I was walking Music, holding his leash with my left hand. I was pleased with the shot, partly because his beak is open and his expression shows the strange signals he seemed to be sending. His cheeks puffed in and out and his tongue seemed to be involved, though I heard no sound. I also love all the green of the marsh.

However, when I visited blip I discovered the theme of contrast, really enjoyed seeing some of the black and whites people had done, so decided to try for one. The heron will be the extra. 

This little onyx cat was a gift from my cousin many years ago, and it occupies a ledge on my porch and catches the afternoon sunlight. I like the patterns from the screen in contrast to the natural patterns of the stone. So here is the little mono cat in contrast to the colorful heron of the extra.

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