
By weewilkie

our day a palimpsest of splintered moments

So my first day back to work. I get to the bus stop and - nice timing weewilkie - my bus comes to take me to the southside of the city. I get on - result! - there's a free double seat meaning that I can sit at the window, close my eyes and meditate.
So I get cooried in and set my posture. An auspicious way to start my journey back to work, I think. Then I close my eyes as the bus doors close and off we go.
mantramantramantamantra I go. The noises on the bus don't stick to me but pass right through as if I wasn't there at all. I'm pretty pleased at how well I'm doing considering I've let my practice slip these past weeks and ... oops I'm thinking mantramantramatramantra ...
People get on and off. The bell dings. I am so familiar with this journey that I can tell by the swerve of the bus where I am...oops again mantramantramantramantra..... the bus should be taking a left here ... mantramantra .. fuck I'm on the wrong bus !! pops out my unconscious. And sure enough I am indeed on the wrong bus, thank you infinite cosmic force.
There's no settling back into meditation now. I wait for a couple of stops and get off and walk to the right bus stop grinning away like a big daft laddie.
I did manage a full meditation on the way home right enough.

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