horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

A bit of snout

Taken by Mel on her iPhone, as I failed to get a better pic with the camera. After the wonderful sunshine of the day before, we woke in Blanchland to a shroud of mist, that failed to shift as we wandered along not seeing Cow Green Reservoir. The dam was suitably atmospheric, with it disappearing into grey, but the Cauldron Snout falls were superb. We really should have then doubled back, but carried on round a loop walk, which ended in a loooooong stomp along a farm track, then a few miles on the road, back to the car.

So, knackered, we headed up to Alston, seeing places decorated for the Tour of Britain visiting, and found the sun. After grabbing a tea room late lunch it was time to try and find a spot to walk in the sun, and we meandered up and down improbably steep roads (I used to think it was hilly in this neck of the woods), before alighting in Allendale, and walking part of a route named after an itinerant tea seller, Isaac Holden.

Home tomorrow, which could give a fortuitous coming together of Mel's desire to visit Warkworth Castle, and my desire to see the Tour of Britain, which just happens to be passing through Warkworth.

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