Eat, smoke, love, meow.

By Meowsers


This is me, with my cat's face editted over mine. She is a huge part of me, and she gets me through, so.

I have felt like shit all day, everyone left school pretty early on and I was alone until I found callum, but even then he left and I spent the afternoon doing nothing and my girlfriend went home at lunch time so I was feeling like utter shit. I traipsed to the art room and on my way I saw Bethan, kissed her goodbye and walked on to the art building where I saw some of the art students and watched the IT crowd. Overall, pretty shitty day.

Came home and had a nap, and then Callum came over and we got a chinese, that was nice and it cheered me up after getting home and feeling like death. I expect i'll be talking to people online later and watching stupid internet shows hoping to stay in a chirpy mood. I might grab some onion rings and watch one of the Harry potter movies because I can never sleep and I end up talking to my friends from far away all night anyway.

I'm going back to Huddersfield to see Freya and Caitlin next month, I look forward to getting away from it all.

Sage looks interesting here, she makes me feel so much better. But yes today was horrible and I feel like my girlfriend's going off me again. Wonderful, I just want to curl up and cry, and i'm sure i'll get my wish later on this evening.


Can I be the girl that you met
In the coin laundry?
Do you have a dollar,
do you have a dollar for me?
Have you got a little old house
and a lemon tree.

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