Hot water bottle collection

A staid title but the alternative 'My hotties collection' conjurers up images a long way from convalescence!

The striped cover on the top one was knitted for me by Mum. We can all do with a bit of Mum's love when we're feeling poorly, and given the week I've had, it's a lovely tangible reminder of her love for me. She even included a knitted flap/cap that fits neatly over the top bit and buttons closed.

Perfect :-)

Filled with hot water and placed either side of my ribs or behind my back, the relief is instant. Why three? One for the cat, two for me - it stops arguments and custody battles ;-)

Today I've stripped my bed, washed sheets and the mattress protector, and hung them out. They're all in now, folded, put away and my bed is made and ready to climb into.

It's a process that took all day. I did it in stages, and rested and slept on the spare bed. It's done now and I'll appreciate the feel of clean sheets.

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