Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Hiding in plain sight

Oh c'est tres chic!

May ball week and the usual crowd of privileged and the excellent are stumbling around the town in varying arrays of dress. The once immaculate gowns,dresses and dinner suits now dishevelled and worn. Eyes that a few short hours ago were sparkling and alive sit in ashen faces sunken and dull. Sunglasses cover their evident battles, their owners with hurting and lazy feet drag themselves to the nearest coffee shop.

In a time when 'dressing up' seems to be 'looked down' on, it is lovely to see such glowing individuals(no matter how shabby the day after!) adorning our streets. Effort..... something that appears to have been lost on a lot of the people that I see, goes into all of this celebration, they have worked for it.

The need for people to conform, fit in, be accepted has made a cull of our British eccentricity, and I mourn it's passing. You can't say this/that, health and safety Bs, global fashion and general slovenliness has washed out our individuality. A little sad really!

Anyway, the sun is shining and people are smiling, work is going to be mental as my holiday draws near. So I hope you all have a good day, and......go on....wear/say something daring this week!

Vive liberty!

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