The Pot English Marigold.

The earliest recorded use of the marigold was by the Aztec people who attributed magical, religious and medicinal properties to the flower. It was used for treatment of hic-cups, being struck by lightning or... 'For one who wishes to cross a river safely'... The Spanish explorers took the seeds to Spain in the 1500's. In Mexico and Latin America, the marigold flower heads are used to decorate household altars and also scattered on relatives graves. They are used by Hindus as garlands for the gods at Harvest Festivals as the maize and peppers are the same orangey-yellow shade.  This little trio of marigolds were on the pavement outside a neighbour's garden fence. I pass them on my way to the local shops so this morning I put the camera in my bag. Today, I can see clearly now, the blur has gone ! Thankyou all for your thoughts. Two more treatments to go.

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