Hey Nonny Nonny ...No

....Sing no more ditties
Sing no mo'
Or dumps so dull and heavy:
The fraud of men was ever so-
Since summer first was leafy
Then sigh not so
But let them go
And be you blithe and bonny
Converting all your sounds of woe into
Hey nonny nonny .

Today was an Elizabethan Extravaganza at Great St Mary's Church,Cambridge. These are my Saturday buskers with a difference. Lots of interesting things happening and all free. 'Queen Elizabeth I' was enthroned in the church and there was a Medieval market with trinkets ,baskets, bread and mead. The public were invited to join the Royal Procession to St John's college to see Tudor treasures and to find out Elizabeth's history. I enjoyed the traditional music and dancing. To finish, a fanfare in Kings college Chapel, followed by a special chorale evensong, which I didn't see as I was laden with shopping bags which seemed to get heavier by the minute. I didn't realise this was on today so I must look more often at the posters which adorn every available railing, along with the bikes ! So much going on in this city.

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