Too Lazy To Go Out

Or was it just that I was busier with the genealogical research?  Or maybe I am just plain tired.  A bit of all three.  The weather was okay but somehow I didn't look forward to sitting behind the wheel.  Of course I eventually went to the supermarket for some staples, but that was about it.  I even put it off till the very last minute.

On the home front, hubby has been harvesting peaches ... and harvesting ... and harvesting.  Buckets and baskets and even a collander.  And to think we only have two trees.  Of course, we have been eating and eating and ... eating.  Them.  Breakfast.  Lunch.  Snack.  Dinner.  And then, to top it all, hubby has been pulling off the ripest grapes under the pergola and squeezing them to make my favourite pure vitamin C grape juice.  I should not catch a cold for the next half year, at the very least.

For today, you get to see my 96-strong Crayola set.  Second childhood, anyone?

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