Three Little Words...

Not those three little words! No-one has ever said those three little words to me and probably won't ever....No...I was trying to add to my 'Three' project and I thought of three little words. I mulled the idea around for a bit and then decided to have words rising from a book. Well, in my head the image looked bloody marvellous, but putting it into practise was too difficult. I'm not blaming my tools, but I would have preferred to have taken it with my big camera.....but it is still waiting to go to camera hospital :(

So..three little words. I pondered over which three words to highlight...even though the words didn't show up on the pic anyway...I love you, I hate you?....both too easy to say, but not ones I use. And not ones I hear.

Up and down
Life's too short
Do it now
Life and Death
Against all odds
Because I can
Make somebody's day
Sing and dance....

I could go on.....but I'm waffling here. 

Anyway, I've decided to turn my comments off for a bit because I'm struggling to keep up with people. My pics are rubbish lately as I'm on long days and so to use three little words....Please forgive me....Bye for now!

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