A Chance

These very young Chicken Turtles (probably named that because they taste like chicken, you won't prove that by me though!) will have a much better chance of life thanks to some very caring friends of mine. Momma turtle laid her eggs in a shallow hole dug on the shore of a small lake and covered them up the best that she could. Since raccoons, possum, fox, coyote and a whole host of predator birds consider turtle eggs and the newly hatched babies great delicacies, the probability of her eggs hatching and the baby turtles even making it to the water was more than low. My friends discovered the nest and took the eggs to hatch them. Seemed obvious to me that this wasn't their first Baby Turtle mission of mercy. The eggs hatched and today I was shown a large tank with probably 20+ young turtles in it. They will be release into their lake when they get a bit larger. My friends are also incubating some duck eggs, but that will have to be a story for another day. I also took some photos of a young Yellow Rat Snake they are raising. If you'd like to see  photos of that little beauty go here...Young Yellow Rat Snake
Wishing you all a very good week! :)

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