
By Lenore

New toy!

We had a slightly fractious boy on our hands at lunch time today - even Grumpy Sir tried to entertain him as we had our lunch, with some success for a short while. A new toy was quickly found - which had been his grandmothers toy, so has had good use over the years.  Lots of brightly coloured plastic circles that enthralled him for the rest of lunch, possibly because it wasn't allowed anywhere near his mouth until boiled and then sterilised later this afternoon.  The years of dirt were deemed in need of removal.  After said treatment, it remained a hit when also allowed to be touched and go straight in the mouth (as most things seem to these days). 

An interesting day at Dornoch, the foreman hasn't appeared for work and Jenny the maid (and his wife) claims to not know where he his.  Coincidently, his brother, the gardener has been away all day as he has a new 'old' injury needing attention - and apparently requires a trip into town to the doctors.  If ever there was a big stinking rat, this must be it, we just haven't quite got to the bottom of it.  

The upshot is that Dirk is happily playing foreman and has spent the afternoon counting cattle ready for a visit to the dip tomorrow. I, on the other hand, have contracted procrastinitas regarding the blinds I'm (not) making as they suddenly feel rather daunting.  The only real thing to do is get on with them. 

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