Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

...Quick Blip

Getting ready to head into the city where it will be a sweltering 98. So, I thought I would dash out and snap a few shots in my flower garden while it is only a sweltering 85 at the moment. It is freaking HOT.

Saw these eensy teensy fly on the dahlia blossom (where young Seamus was lurking yesterday) and decided it would be the featured photo today. Took this with my trusty Nikkor 18-200 with a 4X close up filter attached. Not perfect focus, but I kind of liked it. It shows okay in LARGE, too.

Allso got a passable shot of a bumble bee on my pincushion plant if you care to have a look HERE

Having a fair amount of anxiety about the needles in the face. But botox has been proven to be helpful in cases like mine with persistent facial weakness and synkinesis so I know it is worth a shot (pun intended!)

Hoping you all have a great hump day - see you tomorrow!

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