
By don376

Anyone seen the keys?

We have been broken into and robbed - not once, not twice but three times and after the last time some 10 years ago we decided to go really secure. So we had locks fitted to all internal doors on the basis that if anyone did get in again they would be really "peed" off trying to go from room to room whilst the burglar alarm was calling for back-up!  Anyway this has worked really well and we do feel very secure, especially overnight. However, there are times, usually whilst coming in after a long, frustrating day at work, that no one can find the keys!  So that is when there is a hue ad cry "Where are the keys??"  Also this happens mostly (as you may have guessed) when we have our arms full of shopping - the alarm has been disabled so that's not a problem.  We eventually find the keys of course but it goes down as just another happy family interchange and so I thought I would make this my blip for posterity - if we ever can't find them again at least I know what they look like :)

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